In Wake of Grenfell Tower, Government Warns Removing Dangerous Cladding Is Just Making Things Worse. At least 8. 0 people died in the catastrophic fire at Grenfell Tower in June. There were many questions after the blaze was extinguished, and it was discovered that among numerous safety hazards, a particularly combustible form of cladding was used on the facade of the building in order to cut costs. Panicked landlords have begun removing the cladding from their own buildings, but according to experts, this is just making the situation more dangerous. The UK is not happy that its government allowed a 2. Read more Read. According to the Guardian, an estimated 6. UK utilize the hazardous cladding that helped fuel the fire at Grenfell Tower. Geology For Engineers 7Th Edition on this page. So far, 2. 33 residential towers have failed combustibility tests as regulators and communities attempt to ensure that a similar situation doesnt occur. But some people are getting ahead of themselves and just ripping off the cladding without applying a non combustible alternative. This has left insulation that is even more combustible than the type used at Grenfell exposed. From the report Starting three weeks ago, the same combustible panels as used on Grenfell were stripped from many of the flats in Salford by Pendleton Together Housing, which manages the properties for the city council. They left exposed swathes of synthetic phenolic insulation which is rated either B or C for reaction to fire in British Standard tests, which means they are combustible. Arnold Tarling, a chartered surveyor at Hindwoods and a fire safety expert, said It is definitely a fire risk now when it might not have been in the past. Exposed insulation on the exterior of a building is not safe because of the risk of the fire spreading over the surface. It doesnt comply with building regulations They have guaranteed there is definitely a fire risk. This has occurred in numerous communities around the UK, and some have complained about unclear guidelines coming from the government. New rules explicitly state, where sample panels are removed they should be replaced immediately with a suitable material. In some situations, replacement cladding is scheduled to be added soon. But as one resident of the 2. Thorne House put it, now it is exposed, you only need some idiot after a night on the drink deciding to conduct their own fire test and the whole block goes up. As weve previously reported, at least three states in the US and the District of Columbia also allow this particular form of cladding. Though it doesnt seem to be an issue here just yet, if your landlord suddenly starts ripping off the facade of your building and doesnt have a replacement on hand, you might want to step in to warn them. The Guardian. Travis Kalanick Is Already Plotting His Return to Power at Uber. Former Uber CEO Travis Kalanick is down, but he somehow does not yet consider himself out, according to a Sunday report in the New York Times. Kalanick, who resigned in June amid widespread reports he let a culture of sexual harassment run rampant at the company and lawsuits by angry drivers, has apparently injected himself into the search for his replacementand may have already scared off a potential replacement, Hewlett Packard Enterprise CEO Meg Whitman. Per the Times, the group trying to get Whitman on board did not include Mr. Exchange Server 2013 Serial Key. Kalanick He and several of his allies had a competing agenda that included their own preferred candidates for the top job and the possibility of returning Mr. Kalanick into an operational role, perhaps even as chief executive. His surrogates had also recently begun talks with the Japanese conglomerate Soft. Bank about an investment in Uber that could provide Mr. Kalanick a route to regaining power. Interviews with more than a dozen people close to the process, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the discussions are confidential, indicate that board members relationships have been damaged by leaks, shifting wildly as alliances are forged and then broken Whitman broke off talks to bring her on board on July 2. The Times added striking an alliance with Softbank could earn Kalanick a powerful ally in that companys chief, Masayoshi Son, who may be looking to appoint new board members who want Kalanick back. Uber has been trying to turn over a new leaf in the wake of Kalanicks tenure with a 1. Days of Change campaign, introducing a number of public relations friendly features designed to appeal to the companys beleaguered drivers. Returning Kalanick to power would likely undercut those efforts dramatically. While the 1,0. 00 Uber employees who signed a petition asking for their terrible boss back might be excited by this news, probably no one else is. New York Times. 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