Saint Row 2 Highly Compressed
Saint Row 2 Highly Compressed' title='Saint Row 2 Highly Compressed' />Ostia Archaeological news. May 2. 01. 7 Vandalism. A vandalised and decapitalised small statue was found near the station. Source Il Faro. 3. January 2. 01. 7 A bomb in Ostia. During the Second World War one bomb was dropped on Ostia Antica and landed near the theatre. It did not explode. Source Ostialove. October 2. 01. 6 Controversy about a bridge the Ponte della Scafa. The Ponte della Scafa is a modern bridge over the Tiber, to the west of Ostia Antica. Saint Row 2 Highly Compressed' title='Saint Row 2 Highly Compressed' />It is used by commuters going to the airport area Leonardo da Vinci Fiumicino and a bottleneck. Therefore plans have been designed for a new bridge. Unfortunately this new bridge would rest on important archaeological remains the fenced in and protected area of Ostia Antica is smaller than the actual ancient city. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. The Compressed Hair trope as used in popular culture. Hair that is striking in its length, volume, or color makes a very dynamic visual, and as such, many a. Saint Row 2 Highly Compressed' title='Saint Row 2 Highly Compressed' />The archaeological superintendency has now blocked the construction of this new bridge which will not have been easy, because dealing with million euro investments, and obviously frustrating for the commuters. Source Fregene Online. February 2. 01. 6 Ongoing excavations near Acilia and Casal Bernocchi. The Soprintendenza has started excavations near Acilia and Casal Bernocchi, at the intersection of the Via Ostiense following the course of the Roman road connecting Rome and Ostia and the Via di Malafede, at the building site of a large Romanian orthodox church. The site is not far from the hills where the Ostian aqueduct started. On a photo from Google Earth, taken 1. June 2. 01. 3, a very interesting structure can be seen at the building site. It is a semicircle c. Is it Roman Could it have been a monumental nymphaeum, celebrating the starting point of the aqueductSt. Peters Basilica Papal Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican Basilica Papale di San Pietro in Vaticano Basilica Sancti Petri. Submitted by Aldo Cipriani. Photo Aldo Cipriani. The Google Earth photo from 1. June 2. 01. 3. Sources Stefano Cietto Aldo Cipriani Associazione Culturale Severiana Patriomoniosos. January 2. 01. 6 Reforms concerning the Soprintendenza. Synopsys Design Compiler'>Synopsys Design Compiler. Fausto Zevi expresses his concerns about reforms concerning the Soprintendenza video Corriere della Sera. August 2. 01. 5 News statement about the pediment decoration of the Temple of Rome and Augustus. The Ostia Forum Project has released a news statement about the pediment decoration of the Temple of Rome and Augustus on the south side of the Forum. April 2. 01. 5 New pediment decoration of the Temple of Rome and Augustus identified. The Ostia Forum Project has found an important marble deposit from the fifth century. It consists of fragments of marble from past centuries, to be reused. Some of the fragments belong to the pediment decoration of the Temple of Rome and Augustus on the south side of the Forum. Source Ostia Forum Project. Saint Row 2 Highly Compressed' title='Saint Row 2 Highly Compressed' />April 2. The city wall of Ostia to the north of the Tiber For a long time we have known that there were many buildings on the north side of the Tiber, in the Ostian Trastevere. The remains in the east part were published in 1. Bertacchi and 1. Pellegrino Olivanti Panariti. Those in the west part were gathered on a map by Michael Heinzelmann in 2. Archaeologists now claim to have seen with the help of geophysical research that the city wall of Ostia, built in the first century BC by Cicero and Clodius, continued here. The claim has not yet been confirmed by excavations. Source Portus Project. March 2. 01. 4 Valnea Santa Maria Scrinari has passed away. In February 2. 01. Valnea Santa Maria Scrinari, former Soprintendente of Ostia Antica, has passed away at the age of 8. Source Il Piccolo. March 2. 01. 4 Geoffrey Rickman has passed away. On 8 February 2. 01. Geoffrey Rickman has passed away. Obituaries Papers of the British School at Rome. The Royal Society of Edinburgh. Source The Scotsman. Oracle Client Software Version 8.1.7'>Oracle Client Software Version 8.1.7. March 2. 01. 4 Excessive rain. On January 3. 1 2. Ostia Antica. Two weeks later there was still 2. The Decumanus seen from the west, from the Bivio del Castrum. To the left is the Curia, to the right the Basilica. Photograph Max Victor David c. February 2. 01. 4. The same stretch of the Decumanus under normal circumstances. The interior of the theatre 1. February 2. 01. 4. Wordmui.Msi 2007 Download here. Source Corriere della Sera. November 2. 01. 3 Lidia Paroli has passed away. In June 2. 01. 3 Lidia Paroli has passed away. Source Archeologia. Medievale. it. 1. July 2. 01. 3 Discovery of a mausoleum and a domus. In the Parco dei Ravennati in medieval Ostia a Roman mausoleum and domus have been discovered. Source American Institute for Roman Culture, press conference, 1. July 2. 01. 3 video AIRC video AIRC video Roma. Uno TV. 2. 3 September 2. A summary of new research on the coastal belt was put on the web by Antonia Arnoldus Huyzendveld. February 2. 01. 2 three objects from Ostia have emerged on the Internet. Three objects from Ostia have emerged on the Internet, as has been discovered by Amber J. Porter. The first is a marble relief with a parturition scene. The object is now in the Science Museums Small to Medium Object Store, Blythe House, London inventory number A1. The object forms part of the Wellcome Collection of Medical Objects and is on permanent loan to the Museum from the Wellcome Trust. There is more information on the original Wellcome Museum catalogue card. Two other objects from Ostia in the Wellcome Collection are a marble relief of a mother nursing her child on a bed inventory number A1. Hygieia inventory number A1. Ostia in the early 2. We also have the catalogue cards of these two objects. Apparently the two reliefs were registered as objects 1. The statue is currently on display within the Science Museums Science Art of Medicine Gallery, the relief is also in the Small to Medium Object Store. The first object is particularly interesting. On the catalogue card we read that it is 2. Caroline Lawrence, who inspected the relief. We also read that it was purchased in Rome in 1. Captain Peter Johnstone Saint, a collector working for Sir Henry Wellcome. He paid 1. 1 for it, a considerable amount of money in 1. UK was 1,5. On this relief we see a woman lying on a bed, giving birth to two or perhaps three children. She is assisted by three women. With the help and permission of the Science Museum, Caroline Lawrence took a series of photographs. It is obviously a funerary relief. Of course it is impossible to tell where the relief was found precisely, but the Isola Sacra necropolis, that was discovered in 1. However, this burial place is known for its terracotta reliefs. This relief is of marble and was therefore much more expensive in the upper side are a round hole and a rectangular depression, suggesting that this is reused marble. Also the artistic quality is quite high. The fact that the woman giving birth is lying down has raised some eyebrows. Some people claim that in antiquity women gave birth only in a seated position see for example a relief in the facade of tomb 1. Isola Sacra necropolis. Is the relief then perhaps a forgery However, in the early second century AD, Soranus of Ephesus mentions the general rule that extraction of the fetus in difficult labor must take place with the woman lying down Gynecology book II, translation Temkin, p. Google Books. Furthermore, on some of the photographs traces of paint seem visible on the relief, suggesting it is genuine. The position of the woman is almost identical to that of a famous sleeping Satyr the Barberini Faun in the Glyptothek in Munich. The Satyr was a companion of Dionysus. Dionysiac motifs are found often in a funerary context.